Rich-Media Is The Secret
To Getting Much Higher Conversions To Sales

      Rich-Media is the best way to increase the number of people who buy from you over the Internet according to Bill McRae of Affiliate Marketing Training Center and Rich-media involves all the technologies that allow a personal-like interaction online.

      Rob Toth interviewed Bill as part of Dan-Kennedy's Info Riches course and asked him some key questions. I've summarized them for you below but you can download the entire Info Riches course here for a limited time.

      Bill has been in business from the tender age of 14. He built up a $100 million business but he sold it when he wanted to have more time for himself and his family.

      The next adventure he got into was an online retail business but even that was too much work. He had built it up to $2 million in revenues over two years.

      Finally, he discovered that being an affiliate was the best business in the world for him and that's where he started in the information marketing business and developed hundreds of niche sites to sell his products.

      Since Bill has been involved in a very large off-line business and several successful online businesses he has had a chance to experiment with a lot of different kinds sales letters. What he is seeing over and over again is that sales letters that involve audio, video and other interactive (rich-media) elements produce far more results than an ordinary, static web-page.

      The key, says Bill, is to have as personalized an interaction as possible. Try to emulate real-world face-to-face interactions by using the latest technology. Those who use rich-media technology to establish a closer, more trusted relationship with their clients will make far more money than others.

      Bill says to embrace technological changes and to stay ahead of the curve but no matter what you do, don't become impersonal. If technology makes you look too "slick" people won't buy from you. Rich-media technologies "enrich" the interaction with a human element.

      What people are looking for is to be treated like real human-beings. If your "production" sales letter is too slick people will feel like there is large corporation involved and Internet buyers will shy away from you. The reason for this is that Internet buyers, in particular, are used to communicating with each other through Facebook, Twitter, Chat technologies and email. All of these provide a very personal response.

      Whatever technology you use, take extra pains to stay personal. That's how you will beat out your competition, no matter what they may come up with.

      Bill also talked about making a business plan, staying focused and knowing your numbers among other things. For the full interview please download the FREE Info Riches Course.

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