Proven Strategies
To Improve Your Copywriting
For Internet Marketing

      Copywriting For Internet Marketing is a growing specialization. You need to understand the timeless principles of copywriting then adapt them to the fast-changing world of Internet marketing.

      Some people would say that there is no difference between normal copywriting and copywriting for internet marketing, but there is.

      Traditional copywriting has evolved largely around the print media. Most of the great copywriters have emerged from direct response marketing.

      These are represented by some of the greatest advertising minds in history. Lessons they are willing to teach us should be absorbed and practiced with diligence. However, print is a two dimensional medium.

      The Internet is a multi-dimensional medium in that you are not limited to just the witten word. When you add the ability of websites to carry audio, video, downloadable information, interactive software and so much more that is coming out every day... print just can't compete!

      This site is dedicated to exploring the best ways to communicate online. Learn the techniques here and you will know How To Make Money.

      Copywriting for Internet marketing includes ALL the modes and media that can be incorporated online. This provides the Internet copywriter a potentially much richer environment than any other media.

      The goal of this website is to be able to effectively use all the capabalities to generate more sales and more profitable sales.

      I invite you to carefully study the strategies presented here. As the Internet grows there is an ever-growing body of knowledge on how to take casual visitors and turn them into buyers. The content on this site will be constantly changing, evolving and growing as the Internet comes of age and Internet marketers learn how to become more and more effective in their craft.

      If you haven't done so already, I invite you to sign up for the Free video training on how to establish a PROFITABLE site. This will put you on the list to receive updates to articles and resources that will bring an abundance of wealth in your life.
Copywriting For Internet Marketing brings you proven successful copywriting strategies to make your Internet Marketing more profitable.
What is Affiliate Marketing? A Comprehensive Guide
Discover what is affiliate marketing - this comprehensive guide will help you decide if affiliate marketing is for you.
How To Write Product Reviews To Sell Affiliate Products
Learn how to write product reviews that get sales - earn money from home every month on autopilot - Work once get paid forever
Copywriting Course 1 - emotional appeals, internet marketing strategies
Copywriting Course 1 covers powerful emotional appeals that move your site visitor to take action. Internet marketing strategies that can be used with this copywriting strategy.
Pleasure can be a potent emotional motivator in copywriting.
Pleasure is a powerful motivational tool in copywriting for internet marketing
Health, How To Use It Successfully In Copywriting For Internet Marketing
Health and the desire to have it creates guaranteed winners in copywriting for Internet marketing.
Greed is a powerful motivator in copywriting for Internet marketing
Greed is an easy motivator to use or abuse when copywriting for the Internet.
Self-improvement is an elemental desire that can be used to motivate people.
Self-improvement is an elemental desire that can move people to endless effort...which creates sales for copywriters.
Fear is the most powerful emotion you can use in copywriting for the Internet.
Fear is the most powerful emotion you can tap into to increase your sales when copywriting for Internet marketing.
Copywriting-Course-2 -- Make people take the action you want right NOW!
Copywriting-Course-2 -- Emotional-motivators get people excited about buying whatever you are selling at whatever price you ask, right NOW, without waiting.
Landing-page-concept gives you three keys to successful copywriting
Landing-page-concept for a profitable sales letter gives you three powerful keys to compelling copywriting.
Targeted-landing-page gives you a tangible edge over your competition.
Targeted-landing-page gives you a substantial edge over your competition and addresses the specific needs of your prospect. If you solve their problem they will buy from you.
Landing-page-file-name brings qualified buyers to your site.
Landing-page-file-name can be used to attract warm, willing to buy visitors to your site. Profitable tweaks to improve your copywriting for internet markeing on a landing page.
Landing-page-conversation is your key to connect with your prospect's emotions.
Landing-page-conversation lets you connect with your prospect at an emotional level. The secret to the really big profits is that you need to be in tune with your prospect's feelings.
Landing-Page-Tracking is the most reliable path to profits
Landing-Page-Tracking will help you make maximum profits while reducing advertising expenses.
Landing-Page-Goal is the secret to powerful copywriting that sells.
Landing-Page-Goal is the secret to powerful copywriting for Internet marketing.
Landing-Page-Domain-Name strategy can add credibility to your sales message.
Landing-Page-Domain-Name strategy can take away or add believeability to the message in your sales letter.
Landing-Page-Major-Benefit is the real reason people are at your sales letter.
Landing-Page-Major-Benefit is the hot-button you need to work to make your sales letter sell.
Landing-Page-Headline - Set up your sales letter for an easy sale.
Landing-Page-Headline Sets up your sales letter for an easy sale. Improve your visitor to sales conversion rate.
Landing-Page-Flow Create An Irresistible Buying Atmosphere In Your Sales Letter
Landing-Page-Flow creates an irresistible buying atmosphere in your sales letter.
Landing-page-identity - Making people feel comfortable doing business with you.
Landing-page-identity increases the effectiveness of your sales letter by making people feel comfortable about doing business with you.
Landing-page-links -- How to produce sales with the links in your sales letter.
Landing-page-links -- How to produce sales with the links on your landing page or sales letter. Copywriting tips for effective Internet marketing.
Landing-page-incentive -- the secret to tripling your conversion rate.
Landing-Page-Incentive is the key to tripling your opt-in list building results. Copywriting strategy for effectively using an incentive to build a list and set yourself up for big profits.
Landing-page-mistake will wipe out your sales.
Landing-page-mistake will wipe out your sales even if you do everything else right.
Landing-page-graphics give you credibility without you having to say anything.
Landing-page-graphics can give you a lot of credibility if you put in the right images.
Greatest-copywriting-skill makes Internet marketing easy.
Greatest-copywriting-skill makes Internet marketing super easy and profitable.
Landing page strategies to create hot selling sales letters for PPC Google Ads
Landing page strategies to create high profit sales letters for PPC and Google Adwords campaigns.
Emotional-Motivators, How To Select The Right One For Your Market
Emotional-Motivators - How To Select The Right One For Your Market. This is the secret weapon used by the top copywriters who have made millions.
Money MOVES people. Learn to use this emotional motivator powerfully.
Money MOVES people. Learn how to use money to take the action you want.
Romance-in-copywriting - Learn to use the desire for sex, love and intimacy.
Romance-in-copywriting can be used to make your copy so compelling that they will crawl over broken glass to pay you.
Make-more-money -- Learn to use this motivator for huge profits.
Make-more-money -- Learn to use this emotional motivator to really cash in to the serious money...
Irresistible-bargain -- The most used emotional motivator in Internet Marketing
Irreisitible-bargain -- Learn how to present your product as an irresistible-bargain.
Acceptance pulls on the heart strings, motivating a customer to buy.
Acceptance - How to use the desire for acceptance to motivate you customer to buy.
Save-Time, work, effort - Use these motivators to get customers to take action
Save-time, work and effort - These can be powerful motivators in your copywriting. Learn to use them to increase your sales.
Laziness - How to use it to sell more of your products and services.
Laziness in people is the easiest gateway to big profits. Learn the secret to leveraging people's laziness to sell your product or service.
Landing-page-design that helps convert visitors to sales.
Landing-page-design can dramatically improve your conversion to sales if used correctly.
Improve-Health - Doesn't sound like an emotional motivator, but it gets sales!
Improve-health - doesn't sound like a very emotional appeal, but it gets sales like crazy.
Direct-Response-Marketing-Strategies used in copywriting-for-internet-marketing
Direct-Response-Marketing-Strategies used in copywriting-for-internet marketing.
Trust - half the secret to selling anything on the Internet
Trust is half of the secret to selling anything on the Internet. Without it, you may as well not be in business.
Power-Copywriting For Internet Marketing - Tested and proven to increase sales
Power-Copywriting For Internet Marketing is a rigorously tested formula developed by the legendary copywriter Bob Serling. Includes basic to advanced principles of copywriting in a workbook format.
Resell-rights-membership - Original products created for members only.
resell-rights-membership Original products created for members only.
Resell-Rights - Work From Home And Make Money With An Instant Internet Business
Resell-Rights ebooks and software offer a quick and easy Business Opportunity to work from home and make money online for people who know how to do copywriting-for-Internet-marketing.
Work-From-Home, Be Lazy, Get Rich With An Automatic Money Machine Online
Work-From-Home in an easy online business that keeps sending you cash like an automatic money machine. Resell-Rights ebooks and software provide an easy way to make money from home
Instant Internet-Business - Exclusive Resell Rights Ebooks
Internet-Business - Complete with sales page and exclusive ebooks with resell rights. Easy to make money with this unique business opportunity.
Master-Resell-Rights - Add Upto 50% More Profit To Your bottom line.
Master-Resell-Rights allow you to leverage the power of resell rights and make extra profits with hardly any extra effort.
Resell-Rights-Ebook - Make Money Starting Today
Resell-Rights-Ebook provide the ultimate way to make money online. After the initial setup it is a hands-free, automatic money machine that puts money into your bank account every month.
Resell-Rights-Strategy-1 Gives You Complete Control Over Your Business
Resell-rights-strategy-1 sets you up in your own business with complete control over all aspects of the business so you can change the strategy to match your customers preferences.
Resell-Rights-Strategy-2 - How To Easily Provide More Value And Double Your Sale
Resell-rights-strategy-2 - How to easily provide more value for your customer and double your sale instantly!
Resell-Rights-Strategy-3 - Secret To Making Millions Instead Of Thousands...
Resell-rights-strategy-3 - The secret to making millions of dollars from your resell-rights business instead of just a few thousand.
Resell-Rights-Strategy-4 - How Create A Hot-Selling New Product Instantly
Resell-Rights-Strategy-4 - How To Create A Hot-Selling New Product Instantly As Often As You Want
Resell-Rights-Strategy-5 - How To Sell More Of Your Product At A Higher Price
Resell-Rights-Strategy-5 - How To Raise The Price Of Your Product And Sell More Of It. Your customers will love you for it!
Resell-Rights-Strategy-6 Create A Best Selling New Product Using Old Products
Resell-Rights-Strategy-6 - How To Create A Best Selling New Product Using A Collection Of Old-But-Good Products.
Resell-Rights-Strategy-7 - Get Paid Big Bucks For Selling A Free Product
Resell-Rights-Strategy-7 - How To Get Paid Big Bucks For Selling A Product That Is Available For Free
Landing-Page-Example1 - The Power Of Making A Heart To Heart Connection
Article-Marketing On Steroids! Secrets To Get Massive Targeted Website Traffic
Article-Marketing On Steroids! Learn The Secrets To Generate Massive Targeted Website Traffic To Any Site Fast!
Dan-Kennedy - Golden Nuggets From His Marketing And Copywriting Courses
Dan-Kennedy Is The Master Of Marketing And One Of The Best Marketing Trainers On The Planet. You'll Find Quick Summaries Of His Courses, Articles And Lectures Provide Highly Profitable Marketing Tips.
Rich-Media Is The Secret To Getting Waaayy Ahead Of Your Competition
Use Rich-Media For More Traffic From Search Engines And Much Higher Conversion Ratios From Your Sales Letter
Article-Copywriting is the forgotten secret to make money from article marketing
Article-Copywriting - How To Get People To Click On To Your Website Or Affiliate Link Every Time
Information Marketing Secrets From 72 People In Different Niches
Information Marketing Secrets from 72 work-at-home people thrive with online business despite the economy. Learn at home, free information.
Use Email Marketing To Get More Leads And Sales
This Email Marketing Course will help you get more leads and sales from all your online and offline marketing efforts.
Solid business and branding is easy with email marketing
Solid Business Building is easy with the right email marketing strategies - save time, make more money
Increase Lifetime Customer Value with email marketing
How to increase lifetime customer value with email marketing as a key customer retention strategy - improve customer retention, customer loyalty and manage customer relationships
Get Traffic To A Website With Article Marketing...Tons Of It
Get traffic to a website - Advanced techniques to dramatically increase free traffic to your website with article marketing
Backlinking strategies that bring traffic to a website
These backlinking strategies will help you get hoards of free traffic to a website - you'll get warm, willing-to-buy website visitors coming to your site because they want what you are selling
Advanced backlinking strategy to bring massive traffic to a website
This backlinking strategy will help you get massive traffic to a website - It's easy if you know how
SEnuke software makes top backlinking strategies easy to implement
SEnuke is the top seo software - it is a tried and tested way to get several top listings for your website in Google
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